Paid interview: Read a material on clinical trial results
We're looking for people with Sjögren's syndrome to read and share their thoughts on a material on clinical trial results. We're looking for people to read and share their thoughts on a material about clinical trial results. This trial learned about a possible treatment for Sjogren's syndrome. By sharing your thoughts, you'll help us improve the material and make it easier for others to understand.
If you're interested, please fill out the form below.
If we select you to take part, we will send an email with links to:
- Read the material online
- Schedule a Zoom interview (it takes about 1 hour)
After the interview, we'll email you a
$100 Visa or Amazon gift card for your help.
We are Health Literacy Media (HLM), a nonprofit that specializes in clear health communication. Visit our website to learn more:
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A member of our staff may call to verify your information.