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Kennie's Customer Scorecard Dec 2024


Welcome and thank you for providing your valued feedback to Kennie's.  At the conclusion of this survey, you will be entered into our drawing for Kennie's gift cards. Twenty-five respondents will win $100, and one will win our grand prize of $500
Limit one response per household. By continuing with this survey you are confirming that you are at least 18 years old; you are a grocery shopper for your household; and you are NOT an employee of Kennie's.
1. Please select the Kennie's location where you shop most.
  *This question is required.
2. For how many years (to the best of your memory) have you been a customer of this Kennie's store? *This question is required.
NOTE: For this survey, please base your answers on recent visits to this store (for example, the past weeks or months; NOT prior years or older). Thanks!