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CIMI Expeditions Baja - Camper Reference Survey

Someone you know has applied to attend a 2-week international trip in Baja, Mexico. Your critical appraisal and confidential evaluation of this applicant will greatly help in our decision making process for acceptance. We appreciate you providing a candid, objective, and honest assessment of the candidate.

On many occasions, we find it necessary to approve campers based on information supplied by references and statements made by the potential camper. Therefore, we hope you will be frank, candid, and objective so that we may avoid decisions that could result in a negative group dynamics and perhaps removal from the program.

Thank you for your response and kind assistance.
2. How long have you known the applicant? *This question is required.
4. Please rate the applicant on the following (1 star = lowest rating, and 5 stars = highest rating):
Space Cell Rating
Maturity compared to peers
Team Player
Enthusiasm & Energy
Ability to take direction & guidance
Ability to take initiative
Ability to effectively communicate needs
Cheerfulness in the face of adversity
Ability to handle new experiences
Ability to be Inclusive of differing ideas
6. Would you feel comfortable having the applicant be in a living situation with your child(ren) or other children? *This question is required.
8. Would you recommend this applicant for international group-based travel?
9. To your knowledge, has this student had any significant behavioral challenges that are relevant to their participation in this program?