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MiCQ 2025 Educator Survey

We hope you enjoyed your MiCareerQuest experience! Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey. Answers may be used in an unattributed fashion for future marketing. Educators who complete the survey and provide their contact information will be entered into three prize drawings:
1st: $200 Amazon Gift Card
2nd: $200 Amazon Gift Card 
3rd: $100 Amazon Gift Card
1. Please evaluate the following statements: *This question is required.
Space Cell Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
This was a valuable career education activity for my students.
This learning experience helps fill a need we currently have in our district for students.
The exhibits were engaging for my students.
Adequate time was scheduled for each sector.
As an educator, my awareness of career and postsecondary education opportunities in West Michigan was expanded.
Communications regarding this event were clear and received in a timely manner.
The resources provided in the Educator Packet was/will be useful.
The maps provided on the website helped students.
7. How did you promote this opportunity to students and parents? (check all that apply) *This question is required.
10. Please provide your contact information if you are willing to be interviewed by MiCareerQuest organizers for follow-up or marketing purposes. MUST COMPLETE TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR AMAZON GIFT CARD DRAWING/SCECH CREDIT