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MiCQ 2025 Student Survey

We hope you enjoyed your MiCareerQuest experience! Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey. Responses may be used in future marketing efforts. Students who complete the survey and provide their contact information will be entered into our prize drawings:
1st: $500 gift card
2nd: $400 gift card
3rd: $300 gift card
4th: $100 gift card
5th: $50 gift card
1. Please evaluate the following statements. *This question is required.
Space Cell Strongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree
My school prepared me well for this event.
Employer representatives were prepared for my questions.
Employer representatives provided engaging and interesting exhibits.
I learned about employment and education/training opportunities that I didn't know of before the event.
This event will help me plan my class selection during high school.
This event will help me make plans for my education after I graduate high school.
This event helped me learn about careers I am interested in pursuing
This event helped me learn that I am not interested in something I thought I was interested in
This event helped me to see that I can get a job in a career I'm interested in
2. The length of time scheduled (23 minutes) in each industry sector was: *This question is required.
6. List up to three career options you were considering before you attended MiCareerQuest, Enter "Undecided" if unsure. *This question is required.
7. Did you discover new career options after attending MiCareerQuest? List up to three of these new career options. If there are no new options, list "NONE" in the first box. *This question is required.
8. Check the highest academic degree or training that is required for your top career choice listed in question 6 or 7. *This question is required.
9. Please rate the level of difficulty you see in earning the credential/degree required to compete for your desired job. The required credential/degree/skill would be _____.
  *This question is required.
10. Which of the following are strengths you have that could help you get the education/training you will need? Please check all that apply to you. *This question is required.
11. Which of the following reasons might create difficulty for you to get the education/training required? Please check all that apply to you. *This question is required.
12. What is your gender? *This question is required.
13. Choose any of the following that express your race/ethnic background. Please check all that apply.
14. What is your current grade in school? *This question is required.
17. What county do you live in?
18. Please provide your contact information if you are willing to be interviewed by MiCareerQuest organizers for follow-up or marketing purposes. MUST COMPLETE TO BE ENTERED IN THE PRIZE DRAWING. By entering your phone number and email address, you agree to us potentially reaching out to you for a survey in the future about your career development.