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25-07 July 1-Dec 31, 2025 - Thematic Program on the Mathematics of Neuroscience - Short-Term Visitor Applications

Applications will be accepted as long as funding is available.

The Organizing Committee of the Thematic Program on the Mathematics of Neuroscience (July 1, 2025- December 31, 2025) invites applications for merit-based participation awards for short-term visitors who are staying less than two weeks. Applicants who intend to stay more than two weeks at the Fields Institute, please apply as long-term visitor:

Application Process

Support/funds are limited. You are urged to apply early. The target deadline is April 15, 2025 and applications received by this date will be given priority. Late applications will also be considered until all funds are assigned.

Eligibility Requirements
  • Faculty, researchers, postdoctoral fellows, or graduate students may apply. 
  • Short-term visits should be two weeks or less.

Requests for Support
Please only request the funding support you would need to be able to participate in program activities or to collaborate with others in the program. Request for support can cover eligible expenses as outlined here :
  • one economy round trip fare to and from Toronto.
  • local expenses (accommodation and per diem allowance).
The maximum per diem is $100. Accommodations can be reimbursed up to a maximum of $250 per night to a maximum of $3,750 per month). All amounts are in Canadian Dollars.
Required Application Materials
  • Statement of interest (text box, below, 500 characters maximum),
  • Type of support being requested, and, if applying for funding support, a proposed budget, and
  • Resume/curriculum vitae (PDF format, 2MB maximum); please have it ready for submission with this form.
Conditions of Award
ward recipients are expected to actively participate in all Program activities and workshops during their visit.

Application Form Instructions
Fields with an * are mandatory.
This online application must be filled out completely and submitted. It is not possible to save a partially completed application and return to it later.
After submitting, you will be directed to an upload page for resume/curriculum vitae submission.
Your resume must be uploaded as a PDF, no larger than 2MB.
Please have your r
esume/curriculum vitae ready to upload when you start to fill out this application.
Once your application is submitted, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address you designated on your application.
1. Contact Information.
This question requires a valid email address.
4. Are you affiliated, for example, with a university, institution, organization, or company? *This question is required.
Affiliation Details.
Please enter you mailing address details below.
5. Demographics - This information will be used for statistical and reporting purposes internally and for funding partners, to improve the diversity of access to programming at the Fields Institute.
Career Status *This question is required.
Gender *This question is required.
6. What events are you interested in attending. 
Please check all that apply. *This question is required.
Proposed Arrival/Departure Dates. *This question is required.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
Would you like to include your supervisor's contact information for recommendation purposes?
We will contact them for a letter of reference. 
Supervisor Affiliation Details. *This question is required.
Please avoid using BLOCK/ALL CAPITALS.

Please include a statement of interest detailing the reasons for your participation in the Program. Maximum 500 words. 

The statement of interest should explain how this Program or research field(s) will strengthen your academic and/or professional development. You could, for example, write about
  • your reasons and motivations for attending the Program,
  • your current/proposed research, and how you expect the Program to help you,
  • how attending the Program will assist you in your professional goals, 
  • the relationship between the Program and your professional plans, or
  • what you hope to gain from your visit.
Please be as concrete as possible in your response--provide specific examples, such as the names of collaborators or supervisors attending the Program. Do not copy a generic research statement into this space.

Funding support requests should be for the minimum amount necessary to make Program participation possible.

Since we expect funding requests to greatly exceed available resources, you are encouraged to also seek other sources of financial support.

Any reimbursement claims must adhere with Fields Institute Reimbursement Policies. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that his/her funding request is consistent with these guidelines.
This question requires a valid currency format.
Please enter the total requested amount of funding support in Canadian Dollars:
Comments regarding your funding support application may be indicated below (500 word maximum):
10. Resume/Curriculum Vitae. *This question is required.
Please upload your curriculum vitae in PDF format. Maximum file size is 2 MB.

Please name your file: "First Name, Last Name - CV.pdf"