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National Clinical Homecare Association Clinical Homecare Career and Competence Framework Consultation Survey


The National Clinical Homecare Association have commissioned Skills for Health to develop a Clinical Homecare Career and Competence Framework. It aims to identify and describe the range of skills and knowledge which are required to deliver high quality care in a clinical homecare environment and provide a sense of the opportunities available to the current and future workforce, by articulating the career potential of working in this setting.

The Framework will facilitate shared understanding, decrease the potential for differences in interpretation, and support robust commissioning of high-quality clinical homecare services, equipping the workforce to provide personalised, high-quality care to clinical homecare patients.

A draft Framework document, including a number of draft role profiles have been developed, which we are now consulting on. Your responses to the survey will be treated confidentially and collated with other respondents to identify key themes and issues. The results of the survey will be used to further develop and refine the Framework document and role profile templates.

This survey covers role profile templates for 9 identified roles within Clinical Homecare:

  • Healthcare Assistant
  • Phlebotomist
  • Clinical Trainer
  • Registered Nurse
  • Clinical Educator
  • Clinical Nurse Manager
  • Clinical Operations Manager
  • Quality Assurance Manager
  • Advanced Clinical Practitioner

The Expert Reference Group have chosen this set of generic role profiles to cover the vast majority of clinical activities and therefore roles deployed within homecare services.  Each role’s activities are predominantly within a career level; however, each individual member of staff can be expected to undertake activities from the adjacent levels as they progress through their career. Each homecare organisation may have existing roles that are hybrid between levels and generic roles.  

The role profiles are built on the National Occupational Standards (NOS).  The content of each NOS is not within the remit of this consultation; therefore suggestions and comments should be to add, remove or replace the NOS identified in the role specific competences section within each role profile template.

Please refer to the role profile templates - including the career level descriptors within the templates - when completing this questionnaire. You will be asked to answer the same set of questions for each role profile template you consider. Please click here for the draft Framework document to assist with the review and completion of your responses, the draft role profile templates are linked at relevant points in this survey.

Please note that the Common Competences within each of the role profile templates are fixed for the Level of the role and any suggestions/comments must apply to all roles at that level and should be included in the response to Question 4.

The survey should take approximately 45 minutes to 60 minutes to complete

Please submit your completed survey as soon as possible and by 12 noon on Friday 14th February, at the latest.