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2024 Amendment and Extraction for Major Issues Reports

Amendment and Extraction for Major Issues Reports

What you should know about submitting an Amendment: 

An amendment must be germane. Sturgis says that amendments “must be relevant to, have direct bearing upon, the subject of the pending motion.” They also cannot change one type of motion into another type. Entirely new material that was not discussed prior to the opening of the House (as content in the reports, for example), or is not germane to the item at hand, may not be introduced as an amendment by total substitution.  

What if I want to submit a new idea, instead of amending an existing recommendation?

While the House can consider amendments that are germane to the issues at hand, the Delegates should not submit ideas not already contemplated in the reports (via total substitution). The goal of reducing the number of issues considered by the House to several specific Major Topics, and allowing for the Councils to draft the recommendations is to ensure that the House is focusing its time appropriately, with a more robust level of policy-expert consideration. New issues cannot receive the benefit of our policy, legal, and political analyses, nor the thoughtful council-level consideration by physicians that the House has called for. We recommend the following:

  • Limit submission of entirely new recommendations only to those that are discussed in the research materials contained in the report, or
  • Submit your idea to the Year-Round Resolution process. Accepted recommendations are considered on a quarterly basis, and will receive the benefit of broad member feedback, council analysis and debate, and decision by the Board. Unless your recommendation is ‘an emergency;’ CMA will likely be best-served to debate your idea deliberately to ensure that we adopt sound policy.
1. Please provide your contact information  *This question is required.
2. I am extracting on behalf of:  *This question is required.
3. Which Major Issue are you extracting? 
  *This question is required.
4. Which Recommendation are you extracting? (Please reference the summary page language) *This question is required.
What's Next? 

Once submitted, members will receive an amendment reference number, which will be used by the projection team and Speakers to easily identify your proposed amendments.  During the House, you must extract the recommendation from the consent calendar for the item to be discussed.  If you wish to discuss your amendment, you will need to approach a microphone to be recognized. We may receive multiple proposed amendments on any given item, and will attempt to call on members at microphones in the order in which they queued.