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Pretrial, Prosecution, Defense Counsel, and Courts Mentor Site Application

Pretrial, Prosecution, Defense Counsel, and Courts Mentor Site Application

Thank you for your interest in the Pretrial, Prosecution, Defense Counsel, and Courts Mentor Site Initiative, which is part of the training and technical assistance (TTA) available through the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s (BJA’s) Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP) .

The initiative is being coordinated by RTI International, the Pretrial, Prosecution, Defense Counsel, and Courts TTA Provider. Upon receipt of your application, the TTA provider will send a confirmation email to you.

To complete this application, you will need to have:
  • An understanding of why you are interested in participating in the program, goals for participation;
  • Key descriptors of your program, such as outcome metrics and key collaborators. Descriptions of your program’s or organization’s outcomes/results; and
  • Any other documents that you would like to submit in support of your application that could include a program brochure, promotional materials, or media clippings.
If needed, a PDF copy of the application questions can be accessed here.

Submission Deadline
Applications for the Pretrial, Prosecution, Defense Counsel, and Courts Mentor Site Initiative are due by 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on February 14, 2025. 

All questions in the application must be answered for your submission to be considered. Further details about the Pretrial, Prosecution, Defense Counsel, and Courts Mentor Site Initiative and application process are available on the COSSUP Resource Center. For questions not answered on the website, please email
Contact Information for Person Submitting the Application *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
Mentor Site Information *This question is required.
Does your site have dedicated funding for your program? *This question is required.
Have you been a mentor site previously through BJA? *This question is required.
Have you hosted site visits outside of the BJA COSSUP mentor program? *This question is required.