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Utah PNA (SHARP) Survey 2025 - 6th Version

2025 Utah Student Health and Risk Prevention (SHARP)
Prevention Needs Assessment Survey (PNA)

1. Thank you for taking this survey. We want to understand how you feel about your community, family, peers, school, health behaviors, and the types of challenges you face. Information from this survey has been used to help students for more than 20 years.

2. You don’t have to take the survey if you don’t want to. The survey is voluntary and anonymous. DO NOT put your name on the questionnaire.

3. Choose the answer that is closest to how you feel if there isn’t an answer that fits exactly. Leave any questions blank that don’t apply to you or if you don’t know what they mean. You can skip any questions you don’t want to answer.

4. This is not a test. There are no right or wrong answers. Try to work as quickly as you can, so you can finish.
Will you participate in the Prevention Needs Assessment Survey? *This question is required.