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WYSTC 2024 Feedback form

Thank you for attending WYSTC Lisbon 2024! We appreciate you providing your feedback so we can continue to improve the Conference experience.

All answers provided are handled as confidential by WYSE Travel Confederation staff. Data will only be reported in aggregated terms and not identified on an individual basis for any reason. All answers provided are handled as confidential by WYSE Travel Confederation staff. Data will only be reported in aggregated terms and not identified on an individual basis for any reason, unless otherwise stated in the survey.
1. Please provide us with a little information about yourself
On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend WYSTC to a colleague or business contact?
10 = extremely likely to recommend
0 = not likely at all to recommend *This question is required.
How would you rate the following elements of WYSTC 2024?
Space Cell ExcellentGoodAveragePoorVery Poor
Overall experience *This question is required
Trading opportunities
Quality of business contacts
Quantity of new business contacts
Reinforcing existing business contacts
Educational programme (seminars/workshops)
Social events
The overall programme mix
The online registration process
Communications (email, social media, website)
Pocket programme
Organisation of the event
Value for money
Promotion & visibility of sponsors
Customer service from event staff
Are you a.....? *This question is required.
Did you particpate in a particular programme? *This question is required.
How would you rate your overall satisfaction with this programme?