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Climate Barometer Survey v2.0

Climate Impact

The purpose of the Climate Barometer Survey is to support the production of a national report on the preparedness of organisations to address the risks posed by Climate Change. The free report will be widely promoted to raise awareness of the levels of preparedness by different industry sectors.

As a participant, you will receive an early-release version of the report. You will be able to compare your organisation's readiness to others in your industry. 

Note that not all fields are required to be completed, the mandatory fields are indicated by red asterisk.
This question requires a valid email address.
3. Are you completing this survey on behalf of the whole organisation or only part of it? *This question is required.
4. How have the following climate-related hazards impacted the operation of your organisation in the past ten years?
Consider the consequential impacts on financial security, resource availability, employee productivity, asset performance, investment integrity, power outages, or disruptions to transport and supply chains. *This question is required.
Space Cell No impactMinimal impactModerate impactExtensive impactUnsure
Bushfire, grassfire and smoke
Riverine and flash flooding
Inundation caused by coastal storm surge or tide events
Extreme heat and heat waves
Storm (rain/hail/wind)
Tropical cyclone
Drought or water scarcity
Extreme cold/frost
Erosion/coastal erosion or shoreline change
6. In the past 10 years, have you implemented mitigations, workarounds, or strategies to accommodate climate-related extreme events? *This question is required.
If you attempted to estimate the cost incurred from this event, what were they?
8. To what extent do you think your organisation will be impacted by climate-related hazards in the next five years? (note: moving slider is required) *This question is required.
Not impacted
Somewhat impacted
Significantly impacted
9. Which climate hazards are of most concern to you for your organisation in the next five years, and how are you addressing them? *This question is required.
Space Cell Concerned but no activities underwayActivities underwayNot applicable to usUnsure
Bushfire, grassfire and smoke
Riverine and flash flooding
Inundation caused by coastal storm surge or tide events
Extreme heat and heat waves
Storm (rain/hail/wind)
Tropical cyclone
Drought or water scarcity
Extreme cold/frost
Erosion/coastal erosion or shoreline change