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Measuring the Business Impact of Learning [GP Strategies] - 2024/2025 Survey


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1. Do you agree/disagree with the following statements?
Space Cell Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
I want to measure the business impact of learning programs.
I believe it’s possible to prove learning’s impact.
I believe my L&D team has the capability to measure learning’s impact
I feel executive pressure to measure learning’s impact.
It's important to set aside budget for measurement.
My L&D team sets aside budget for measurement.
My organization uses data to understand skill gaps.
2. Which of the following best describes how your annual budget for learning is set?
3. The biggest challenge of measuring the impact of learning in my organization is:
4. How is the learning function perceived within your organization?
5. Where do you place your organization on Watershed’s learning analytics scale?
We measure. The simple act of tracking and recording values.
Data evaluation. What happened? We try to make meaning out of the data we’ve measured.
Advanced evaluation. Why did it happen? We use advanced evaluation techniques—such as exploratory and inferential analytics—to search for relationships within our data to discover powerful insights.
Predictive and prescriptive analytics. Data is used to help us understand what will happen in the future.
6. The success of my department is primarily evaluated by:
7. How do you define the success metrics of a particular program?

Business impact metrics = L&D consults with the wider business so program success can be correlated with business KPIs  (e.g. increase in sales)
L&D metrics = KPIs focus on program effectiveness such as completion rates and learner satisfaction)

8. When do you initially define the success metrics of a particular program?
9. Do you have analytics capability on your L&D team? [Check all that apply]
10. What option best describes your analytics staffing plans over the next 12 months?
11. Have you applied learning analytics in an interesting or unique way that demonstrates business impact? We’d love to know more!
12. Which of the following best describes your role?
13. How many employees (or learners if extended enterprise) does your organization have?