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Baccalaureate Degree Program Application-Cycle 6 (Due 1/15/2025 by 5 p.m.)

Certification of Statutory Compliance and Readiness


CYCLE 6 BDP APPLICATIONS ARE DUE BY 5:00 P.M. on JANUARY 15, 2025. Colleges are encouraged to submit early!

To offer a baccalaureate degree program, districts/colleges must meet the requirements of Education Code section 78042 et seq., and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Program and Course Approval Handbook, 8th Edition. Applicants must certify each item below to apply for a Baccalaureate Degree Program (BDP). If districts/colleges do not currently have these requirements in place, they may apply during the next BDP cycle.  

PLEASE NOTE: The template forms are in Word format and will be downloaded in a separate window. All template forms are also available to download on the BDP webpage
The template form AND requirements for Workforce Need have changed! Please ensure you are using the most current forms linked within this application. 
Our institution certifies we will meet the following requirements by uploading the necessary documentation as part of our application:
Our institution completed all of the following: *This question is required.

Our institution certifies the following: *This question is required.