Activity Boosters
Studies shows that staying active helps people manage pain more effectively. However, being active isn't just about formal exercise or fitness routines. It also includes how much time you spend out of your chair or away from screens like the TV, computer, or phone. Simply moving around and staying on your feet throughout the day is important. Brief, easy-to-do activities that last 10-15 minutes, known as "activity boosters," are great ways to keep you moving.
Create Your Custom List of Activity Boosters
Review the example below and then create your own list
Activity Boosters at Home
Here’s a list of simple activity boosters you can integrate into your day to keep moving around the house.
Take a 10-minute walk – whether outside or around your home.
Stretch gently – focus on your neck, shoulders, and back.
Stand up every hour – walk around or do light chores.
March in place – while watching TV or on the phone.
Do a few squats – use a chair to support if needed.
Climb stairs – if available, go up and down a few times.
Dance to a song – even a single song can lift your mood and activity level.
Balance on one leg – while brushing your teeth or waiting for something.
Light cleaning – dust, vacuum, wipe counters, clean mirrors, or empty the dishwasher for 10-15 minutes.
Gardening or watering plants – light yard work or tending to indoor plants.
Play with pets – engage in a quick game of fetch or gentle tug of war.
Activity Boosters at Work
Here are some additional activity boosters that can be done at work to help keep you active during the day:
Standing Desk – Use a standing desk or take short breaks to stand and work for a few minutes each hour.
Walk and Talk – Take phone calls while walking around the office or even pace in a small area.
Office Stairs – Take the stairs instead of the elevator for short trips between floors.
Seated Leg Lifts – While sitting at your desk, lift one leg at a time and hold for 10 seconds, then switch.
Stretch Breaks – Set a timer to remind you to stretch your arms, legs, and back every hour.
Chair Squats – Stand up and sit down from your chair repeatedly for 10-15 reps without using your hands.
Printer Walks – Walk to the farthest printer or copier in the office instead of the closest one.
Water Break Walks – Walk to a distant water cooler or kitchen every time you need a drink.
Lunchtime Walk – Use part of your lunch break to take a 10-15 minute walk around the block or inside the building.