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NYPSC Interest Survey

Since 2009, NYPSC has worked to transform materials management in New York State to be more environmentally and economically sustainable through extended producer responsibility (EPR).Today, we have 7 EPR programs for electronics, rechargeable batteries, mercury thermostats, paint, solar panels, and carpet that are collectively saving municipalities many millions of dollars annually. 

Please tell us about your materials management priorities, how we can help you, and how you want to be involved. 
1. What are your agency's / organization's materials management priorities? (Rank the following by priority) *This question is required.
Space Cell High PriorityNext Level PriorityLow PriorityNot a Priority at All
Refrigerant Containing Appliances
Batteries - single-use and rechargeable, including bikes and batteries in products
Batteries - EV, Renewable Energy, Battery Storage Systems
Lighting - fluorescent, halogen, and LED
Gas cylinders
Household hazardous waste
Medical sharps
Packaging, including Paper Products and Single-Use Plastics
Solar PV Panels and System Components
Tobacco and Vaping Products
Wind Turbine Blades
2. How interested are you in learning from NYPSC about the following topics?   *This question is required.
Space Cell Very InterestedInterestedSomewhat InterestedNot Interested at All
Updates on existing EPR programs in NYS, like results and changes.
Updates on EPR policy development and bill analysis in NYS.
Opportunities for advocacy on EPR and materials management in NYS.
Updates on national EPR trends, legislation, and program implementation.
3. How would you like to receive information from and engage with NYPSC?  *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
4. If you would like to share additional input with the NYPSC board, please share your contact information. 
To join the NYPSC Board meetings or provide additional feedback, please contact us.

Dawn Timm, Chair NYPSC
(716) 439-7242