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Sexual Initiation Ease Scale

Fill out this short survey and receive your Sexual Initiation Ease Scale immediately!

This survey is anonymous and confidential (see our privacy statement) and should take approximately 12 minutes to complete. The questionnaire has approximately 23 questions that cover your sexual preferences and experiences. Feel free to check it out, knowing that at any point you can discontinue without consequence. If you have any questions or comments about this survey please contact Dr. Zebroff at

You must be 18 to participate. By completing the survey you are agreeing to participate in furthering our understanding of human sexuality.

* This test works best on a desktop, laptop or tablet. 

2. My gender is: *This question is required.
3. My sexual orientation is:
5. My relationship status is:
I have been in my relationship for:
I would rate the general satisfaction of my relationship as:
6. The cultural group or ethnicity I identify with is:
7. Over the past 4 weeks, how often did you have desire for sexual activity with your partner? (Interest in engaging in any sexual behavior with another person)
8. Overall, how satisfactory or unsatisfactory is your present sex life? *This question is required.
The person to who initiates most often in my current relationship is:
The way(s) my lover and I approach one another for sex (initiate sex) in my current relationship is:
On average, how often does your partner reject your sexual advances?
9. Experience of sexual initiation: To what  degree do you agree/disagree with the following statements: 
(if you are in a relationship, choose your current partner, and if you are not in a relationship, choose a past partner that most comes to mind)
  *This question is required.
Space Cell DisagreeSlightly disagreeNeutralSlightly agreeAgree
I find it easy and comfortable to approach my partner for sex.
I don't initiate sex because I am worried my partner might reject my advances.
I am confident that I know the best ways to approach my partner for sex.
I enjoy finding creative and new ways to initiate sex.
I generally believe my partner enjoys having sex with me.
I find it difficult to initiate sex, even if my partner may want me to.
10. How would you prefer a lover approach you for sex? I get most turned-on if my lover: *This question is required.Think about how you start getting aroused --- transitioning from your day-to-day reality toward your erotic-reality. How would you like your partner to approach you. If you do not have a partner, imagine the best scenario for you.
Space Cell Not sexyA little sexySomewhat sexyVery sexyExtremely sexy
'Takes charge' of the situation
Pushes me against a wall or bed
Rubs or presses themselves against me (without saying anything)
Gives me deep (tongue), passionate kisses
Caresses all parts of my body (including non-sexual parts)
Is rough or forceful (in play)
Kisses or caresses my neck
Is urgent or passionate
Spends quality time or connects intimately throughout the day
Arranges a romantic dinner/event
Describes a particular new sex act we will imagine/do together
Sends me or shows me sexy pics
Makes me laugh or laughs easily
Offers themself to me, encouraging me to "take charge"
Acts genuinely interested in what I have to say
Takes a provocative pose or shows more skin
Does something genuinely caring or thoughtful
Clears time and space to enjoy each other
Engages in an emotional or romantic conversation
Act submissive or respond to my commands (in play)
Teases me with seductive language or gestures
Demands that they have me...immediately
Undresses me
Wakes me up with kisses or sexual touch
Invites me or leads me into the bedroom
Touches my back or buttocks
I would like to be the one to initiate sex
11. Think about your relationships with others: Please rate the following on how much you agree or disagree:
(if you are in a relationship, choose your current partner, and if you are not in a relationship, choose a past partner that most comes to mind)
  *This question is required.
Space Cell strongly disagreedisagreeslightly disagreeneutralslightly agreeagreestrongly agree
It helps to turn to my romantic partner in times of need.
I want to get close to my partner, but I keep pulling back.
I find that my partner(s) don’t want to get as close as I would like.
I turn to my partner for many things, including comfort and reassurance.
I try to avoid getting too close to my partner.
I do not often worry about being abandoned.
I am nervous when partners get too close to me.
I worry that romantic partners won’t care about me as much as I care about them.
12. In my relationship, I am:
13. Tell us about you. Please rate the following on how much you agree or disagree:
(if you are in a relationship, choose your current partner, and if you are not in a relationship, choose a past partner that most comes to mind) *This question is required.
Space Cell Strongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agree
I can win against anybody if I put my mind to it.
I am not self confident
I often feel that I will not be able to do what is expected of me.
It is in my nature to be successful.
14. When it comes to your relationship, please rate the following on how much you agree or disagree:
(if you are in a relationship, choose your current partner, and if you are not in a relationship, choose a previous partner who was important to you.)
Space Cell Strongly disagreeDisagreeSlightly disagreeSlightly agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I would rather be seen as 'asshole', than be seen as a 'victim'.
It is hard for me to take a stand if anyone's feelings may be hurt in the process.
I enjoy taking risks.
I have very few close friends, other than my partner.
15. I believe my partner may judge me:  (choose as many as apply to you)
16. When it comes to your relationship, please rate how frequently you experience the following:
(if you are in a relationship, choose your current partner, and if you are not in a relationship, choose a previous partner who was important to you.)
Space Cell Almost neverRarelyOccasionallyOftenAlmost always
With my partner I tend to perform rather than just be myself.
In my relationship, I am generally responding to my partner’s goals, rather than setting my own.
I tend to take action, rather than wait for someone to tell me what to do.
I am likely to give to my partner before I give to myself.
I apologize and say “Iʼm sorry” when I think they might be upset with me, even if I don't think I have done anything wrong.
I avoid conflict.
I tend to feel resentment rather than express anger with my partner.
I often take the lead in the relationship.
I do not feel secure unless I am the one to determine how things are done.
I am often thinking about whether my partner would approve of what I am doing.
I often have trouble identifying what I need/want when I'm with my partner.
I am attracted to situations that are challenging, even if they make me a little anxious.
I try to follow the rules.
I am often ashamed to share my real sexual desires with my partner.
I tend to take more time to trust in a new relationship.
Nothing gets under my skin more than when I'm not considered by my partner.
In my relationship, I often feel like I am in the role of the parent and my partner is the role of the child.
I put duty before pleasure.
I hold back telling my partner my real preferences/desires, because I don't want to upset them.
If my partner complains about something, I immediately assume I've done something wrong.