Student and Youth Travel Association (SYTA) and BONARD continue spearheading initiatives in the student group travel industry that bring reliable and consistent data on market trends and student preferences, which are of great relevance to student group tour operators, student travel suppliers, student travel buyers and governments.
This is the fifth year of the survey and with your support, we continue to offer relevant data that advances our industry. This year we added more questions to help you forecast for 2025 and 2026.
Please complete this important survey by
January 31, 2025.
If you have any queries or require any assistance, please contact us at
Yours sincerely,
Carylann Assante, CAE Ivana Bartosik
Chief Executive Officer, SYTA International Education Director, BONARD
Confidentiality: BONARD takes the confidentiality of your data very seriously. Under no circumstances will any of the data you provide be identified on an individual basis or shared with any third party, including SYTA. Data will only be presented as aggregate. The survey is being conducted in compliance with the
ICC/ESOMAR Code on Market and Social Research.