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Facilitating Effective Community System Development Meetings: A Handbook for Collaboration Leaders

IAFC will be providing facilitation training in March 2024 based on the newly released handbook called Facilitating Effective Community System Development Meetings: A Handbook for Collaboration Leaders. You can influence the focus of this training by completing the follow survey.

Please indicate your level of interest in content associated with chapters in handbook. For each chapter, indicate your interest according to the scale below.

Optional: Share any specific chapter content you’d like to see included in the training in the optional section after each chapter description.
1. Core Facilitation Concepts introduces facilitation fundamentals like roles and responsibilities, models to support meeting design and facilitation, and meeting effectiveness. *This question is required.
2. Centering Equity in Facilitation defines what it means to center equity in CSD work, provide support for the inner work of centering equity, and how facilitation can support centering equity. *This question is required.
3. Essential Facilitation Skills teaches about give sets of foundation facilitation skills including when and how to use each skill. *This question is required.
4. Facilitation Core Tasks and Techniques describes foundational tasks facilitators do during meetings and offers example techniques to carry them out. *This question is required.
5. Supporting Productive Group Dynamics helps you build a foundation for collaboration, support productive meeting behaviors, recognize and intervene disruptive behaviors, and deal with interpersonal conflict during meetings. *This question is required.
6. Facilitating Small Group Conversations shares two approaches to facilitating small group conversations: open conversations and planned conversations. *This question is required.
7. Planning Collaboration Meetings helps you plan meetings by considering the unique characteristics of CSD meetings, developing the basic components of a meeting agenda, determining the full agenda, developing an annotated agenda to support your facilitation, and preparing for the meeting. *This question is required.
8. Facilitating Collaboration Meetings provided specific guidance for facilitating collaboration meetings with a specific focus on centering equity, making inclusive and sustainable decisions, and using action learning to continuously improve the group’s results. *This question is required.
9. Supporting Action Between Collaboration Meetings focuses on what you can do to support collaboration member’s action between meetings as well as reflect upon and continuously improve the effectiveness of meeting. Suggestions for overcoming common facilitation challenges are also included. *This question is required.