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WIC Vendor Integrated Point-of-Sale (I-POS) System Funding Opportunity Application

Section 1 - Overview

The purpose of this funding application is to assist qualified WIC‐authorized Vendors in obtaining the resources needed (up to $3,000 per store) to replace current stand‐beside point‐of‐sale (POS) devices with an integrated POS (I‐POS) system. The use of I‐POS systems has been shown to improve the WIC transaction experience for both WIC Vendors and participants and is an important step in modernizing WIC and supporting retention efforts. Key Dates:

An informal webcast will be held on Tuesday February 11, 2025.
Completed applications are due by Friday March 15, 2025. 
Funding decisions will be emailed by Tuesday April 15, 2025.
Funded upgrades and installations must be completed by Monday June 30, 2025.
Reimbursements will be provided by Tuesday September 30, 2025.

I‐POS systems are electronic cash register systems with a barcode scanner and the ability to process Debit, Credit, EMV chip cards, SNAP EBT and WIC. Additional information on certified I‐POS systems in Michigan is provided below in Section 2.


To qualify for funding, applicants must:
1.  Be an existing, active WIC Authorized Vendor;
2.  Exclusively use a stand‐beside POS device for processing WIC transactions; and
3.  Select an I‐POS system certified by Michigan WIC and FIS/CDP.


Request for reimbursement may include:
1.    Upgrades to existing cash registers;
2.    Hardware upgrades necessary for integrated transactions;
3.    Software upgrades necessary for integrated transactions;
4.    POS system subscription fee up to 2 year of subscription, provided the fee may be paid up front;
5.    Purchase of new cash registers; and/or
6.    Labor to install upgrades and/or new systems.


Request for reimbursement may not include:
1.    Point‐of‐sale (POS) systems not certified by FIS/CDP for integrated WIC transactions;
2.    Transaction fees;
3.    Travel, meals, or lodging.

Applications which include higher than maximum total costs or purchases not allowable for reimbursement will have unallowable costs deducted prior to determining the approved funding.


1.  The Michigan WIC Program will review applications and reserves the right to reject any application(s) for any reason, including but not limited to order of submission, assessment of need.
2.  Applicants approved for funding will receive written notification from the Department.
3.  The Michigan WIC Program will provide written notification to applicants whose application did not meet the eligibility requirements, including the reason for ineligibility.
4.  The final decision regarding the award of the contract will be made by representatives of the Department.
  • The Michigan WIC Program will not be responsible for reimbursement of any upgrades or purchased equipment prior to the Vendor receiving a written approval for funding.
  • Applicants must provide a proof of purchase/installation by June 30, 2025 in order to be eligible for funding.
Section 2 - Requirements

1.  Vendors must obtain an itemized quote from a Michigan‐certified I‐POS company (Provider) for a system with the ability to accept integrated WIC transactions. Quotes may be obtained for:
  • A new system; or
  • Upgrading an existing system.
2.  Provider quotes must include:
  • The Provider’s name, address, and phone number; and
  • Detailed system/upgrade specifications being purchased.
  • Itemized costs for the systems/upgrades being purchased.
3.  Qualified funding may only be used on the exact system specified in the Provider quote.
Section 3 - I-POS Funding Application

All questions MUST be answered. Incomplete applications will be denied. Vendors applying for funding for multiple stores must submit a separate application for each location.
This question requires a valid number format.
4. Retail Store Address *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid number format.
This question requires a valid number format.
9. Choose the option that best describes your store. *This question is required.
10. What is the model and provider of your current computerized cash register system? *This question is required.
This question requires a valid number format.
12. Upload a pdf or high quality image of an itemized quote describing the POS upgrade services and/or equipment you will receive and the costs associated. *This question is required.
Section 4 - Terms and Conditions

1.    Capability. My store does not currently have a system capable of processing integrated WIC transactions.

2.    Quote. I must, as part of this application, include an accurate quote for allowable reimbursements, as listed in Section I of this application.

3.    Acknowledgement. I acknowledge that the Michigan WIC Program is not obligated to grant me any funds based on this application, and that any funds it may grant may not be sufficient to purchase and/or reimburse me for the full cost of integrating my POS system.

4.    Reduction(s). I acknowledge that the Michigan WIC Program may reduce the amount of any award it chooses to make to me if I, another store representative, or the store itself has been found to be in violation of WIC Program regulations and the store is not required for Participant Access as defined by MI‐WIC Vendor Policy 2.04 up to one (1) year prior to the funding application submission date.

5.    Purchase. If I am awarded funds from the Michigan WIC Program, I may only use those funds to help pay for the items listed as allowable reimbursements in Section I of this application. Furthermore, I may only purchase the system specified in the submitted quote from the Provider that provided the quote, unless I receive written approval from Michigan WIC to change work or budget plans. I may not use the funding for any other non‐approved purpose.

6.    Installation. I must provide proof to the Michigan WIC Program that I installed the upgrade or new system, and that the final bill from the qualified FIS/CDP Provider who will install the new or upgraded system will be paid in the amount awarded by this funding opportunity. I must provide the bill as required by the Michigan WIC Program, at the very latest, on or before June 30, 2025.

7.    Store closure. If I close my store, voluntarily withdraw from the WIC Program, or if my store is disqualified from SNAP or otherwise terminated from the WIC Program within three (3) years of the date that I receive the funding, unless I receive a written exception by the Michigan WIC Program on consideration of advance notification of a change of ownership to another entity which has submitted complete application for a WIC Vendor Contract, I must repay the funds I received from the Michigan WIC Program for allowable reimbursements, as listed in Section I of this application.

8.    Fund utilization. I agree that, if awarded funds, I will have installed, applied the full funding amount to the balance of the total cost, and be operating a new system, or an upgrade of my current cash register system, to accept integrated WIC transactions on or before June 30, 2025.

9.    Proof of purchase. If I fail to provide proof of the installed or upgraded system and proof of payment of the full funding award by June 30, 2025, I must repay all funds I received from the Michigan WIC Program within thirty (30) days of any demand from the Michigan WIC Program for repayment. If I fail to repay the Michigan WIC Program within thirty (30) days of demand, I must pay to the Michigan WIC Program, in addition to all the funding I received from the Michigan WIC Program, all costs and expenses incurred in collecting that amount including reasonable attorneys’ fees.

10.  Misrepresentation. I will also be required to immediately repay all funding I receive from the Michigan WIC Program, as well as all costs and expenses incurred in collecting that amount, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, if I make any deliberate material misrepresentations in this Application.

11.  Fund acceptance. By accepting any funds awarded to me by the Michigan WIC Program, I agree to comply with all requirements of the award, including those listed in this Application and award letter.

12.  Compliance. I agree to comply with all applicable state or federal statutes, regulations and guidelines that might apply to me because of receiving funds from the Michigan WIC Program, including Michigan laws pertaining to workers’ compensation and any laws prohibiting discrimination and requiring a drugfree workplace.

13.  Verification. I agree within fourteen (14) calendar days of the request, to provide the Michigan WIC Program with all papers, documents, and other items pertaining to my use of the awarded funding. Other items may include those needed to verify the funds received were only used to purchase items listed as allowable reimbursements in Section I of this application, and otherwise to prove that I have complied with all the terms and conditions in this Application and award letter.

14.  Changes or amendments. Any changes or amendments to the Terms and Conditions as stated in this Application or the award letter must be in a written document signed by me and a representative from the Michigan WIC Program.

15.  Nontransferable. I may not transfer any funding to me from the Michigan WIC Program to any other person or organization unless I receive the written permission from the Michigan WIC Program, including if I sell my store before June 30, 2028.

16.  Cancellation. Either I or the Michigan WIC Program may cancel the award by sending the other a thirty (30) day notice, in writing.

17.  Terms and Conditions. The Terms and Conditions of this Application and any award letter are subject to the laws of the State of Michigan and regulations promulgated by the Food and Nutrition Services Division of the United States Department of Agriculture. Any court action pertaining to this Application and any award of funds must be venued in either state or federal court.

18.  Record preservation. I agree to preserve all records and books of accounts related to this funding award, for a period of seven (7) years after the date the agreement expires as listed in the award letter. In that time period, all records and books of account will be made available for an audit or examination conducted by the Michigan WIC Program, the Michigan Office of the Auditor General, or the United States Department of Agriculture.

19.  Held harmless. I agree to indemnify, save, and hold harmless the State of Michigan and the Michigan WIC Program, as well as its agents and employees, from any and all claims or causes of action, including all attorneys’ fees incurred by the State, arising out of my performance of the funding award. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies I may have against the State for its failure to fulfill its obligations pursuant to the funding award.

20.  Endorsement. I must not make any claim, whether in my advertising or promotional materials or otherwise, that by receiving a funding award the State of Michigan endorses my store(s) or my products or services.

21.  Exceptions. The following Terms and Conditions survive the expiration of the funding award and the award letter, refer to:
a.  #17 – Governing law and jurisdiction;
b. #18 – State and federal audits;
c.  #19 – Indemnification; and
d. #20 – Endorsement

22.  Certify. By signing this Application, I certify to the Michigan WIC Program that I am an owner, partner, corporate officer or shareholder of the store listed on this Application, or that an owner, partner, corporate officer, or shareholder of the store has granted me legal authority to sign on their behalf, through the owner, partner, corporate officer or shareholder completing and submitting to the Michigan WIC Program a Delegation of Legal Authority Form, or legal equivalent.
Section 5 - Signature
Read the following carefully and sign below.

I understand that any funds received from Michigan WIC through the Vendor Integrated POS (IPOS) System Funding program may only be paid to the Provider that provided the quote and may only be spent to purchase the items in the submitted quote.

I understand, going forward, I will incur any commercial transaction processing costs and fees imposed by a third‐party processor or utility or subscription cost that I use to transact WIC, including internet or associated networking costs to send transactions electronically.

I have included a quote for this work in my email submission.
13. Name and title of signatory *This question is required.
14. Your signature *This question is required.
Signature of