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2024 Arts Ed NJ School Board Candidate Survey

Welcome and Getting Started: Select County, District, Name

Arts Ed NJ is giving NJ School Board candidates an opportunity to share their position and ideas about arts education. If you are running in the November 5, 2024 election, you can let voters in your district know where you stand by taking the survey by midnight October 12, 2024. Responses will be shared with the public via a dashboard in mid-October.  And we guarantee you will learn more about arts education state requirements along the way!

Please note: The informational links embedded throughout will open in a new window to keep your work intact. If you need to exit the survey and finish at a later time, please click "save and continue later" in the bottom right-hand corner.

If you would like to see all the questions and write out your answers ahead of time, feel free to use this link to preview the questions in the survey!

1. Please select the county, district, and your name from the drop-down menus for the school district where you are seeking office. (The menu for "district" will appear after you select a county. The menu for your "name" will appear after you select "district.") *This question is required.