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Equine Research Study

Contact, Gender, Age

We are looking for people to participate in an online market research study about your experience with equine products. These 90-minute Zoom focus groups will take place on Wednesday, Oct 9 at 2 PM or 5 PM MOUNTAIN depending on your qualifications. 

Those who participate will receive a $175 digital gift card (eVISA, Amazon, etc.) within 3 business days of participating.  

If you would like to be considered for our study, please begin our pre-screener by answering the question below.  Your voluntary participation in market research with AlphaBuzz constitutes an independent contractor relationship, not an employment relationship. 
1. What is your gender? *This question is required.
2. What is your current age? *This question is required.
3. Please let us know a little about you and how best to reach you. *This question is required.
4. May we text you on your mobile phone about this research study only. *This question is required.