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Extenuating Circumstance Absence Request Form

Informational Opener

This form will be utilized to receive student requests for approval of an extenuating circumstance absence and must be submitted within 10 calendar days of the absence for review by the Dean of Students. The use of this form should be extremely limited as most absences do not qualify as extenuating.

Per CIA’s Course Attendance Policy, extenuating circumstances are generally defined as exceptionally rare, unforeseen, and short-term circumstances which may cause a student to be absent from class. Exceptionally rare means the circumstances must be markedly different from the student’s usual daily life activities. Unforeseen means the circumstances are outside of the student’s control and were not preventable. This includes the student’s responsibility for making a reasonable attempt at utilizing Institute-provided resources, policies and procedures available to assist in their success. Short-term means the circumstances are temporary and will not require on-going intervention past a reasonable time period. 

Review of the form can take up to 10 calendar days once all required information is received. You should not inquire about the status of your request unless more than 10 calendar days has passed since your submission date.
1. Student Information: *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
What date(s) of absence are you requesting be reviewed as an extenuating circumstance?
Exact dates are important as dates outside of this range will not be considered.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
5. Upload supporting documentation (e.g., emergency room visit summary, hospital discharge notes, obituary of immediate family member, police report, jury summons with proof of deferral request and denial, etc.).

If supporting documentation is not available at the time of your request, please upload a description of why documentation is not available and a timeline for securing documentation.
  *This question is required.
7. Impacted course information:

  *This question is required.