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2024 CiLN Award Entry

2024 Clinical Informatics Leadership Award - Nomination Form

The Clinical Informatics Leadership Network (CiLN) is a NZ-based, multi-disciplinary and responsive health network for people with a clinical background and interest in data and/or digital. Membership of CiLN is free. CiLN is supported and funded by HiNZ. Anyone with a clinical background and an interest in data/and or digital can apply to join by filling in this online form.

The 2024 award is promoting the value that every clinician makes to whānau and community in providing digitally, or informatics enabled clinical care. To be eligible for the award you must be providing digital health or health informatics clinical care - this is open to anyone with a clinical background and an interest in clinical informatics. This can be an individual or a clinical team. You must be able to show the direct benefit of this care to a person, their whānau and/or their community.  The CiLN award prize is up to $5000 to provide further education for yourself and/or your team in the area of digital health and/or health informatics, or towards purchase of equipment or resources to further the project or initiative that you outline in this application.  The prize also includes one years membership for one person to HiNZ.

CiLN’s Clinical Informatics Position Statement, details five key areas in where clinical informaticians bring value to the sector, which are; expertise, clinical leadership, stakeholder engagement, competence and capability, and communication. You must be able to show how the care you provide meets at least one of these areas. 

You can nominate yourself or others. All submissions will be judged by a panel and three finalists will be chosen. A public vote to decide the winner will be held in October 2024 and the winner will be announced at Digital Health Week NZ 2024 in Hamilton. For more information on the process or to stay updated, please refer to the HiNZ website

If you have any questions email us.
This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid email address.
9. Nominee's health profession *This question is required.
10. Has the nominee been notified that this application has been made? (This is required before we can include them in the list of nominees) *This question is required.
Please select at leaset one of the CiLN values below and detail how the nominee demonstrates them:

Detail how the nominee applied their clinical experience to the juncture of health care and information systems and technology. This can be done at operational and strategic levels.

Clinical Leadership
How has the nominee demonstrated leadership in the field of clinical informatics? 

Stakeholder Engagement
How has the nominee’s clinical background provided credibility when engaging with colleagues, and improving user uptake, understanding and participation?

Competence and Capability
How has the nominee championed digital literacy and the ongoing development of the health and disability workforce to support the evolution of digitisation and new models of care?

How has the nominee acted as a translator and communicator between the disparate groups that work in data and digital aspects of health care?
13. Select at least one CiLN value you will be describing below *This question is required.