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Hunters Rolling Survey


In order to participate in this survey,  (the “Survey”), you must read and agree to this Participant Agreement (this “Agreement”) between you and Zynga Inc. (together with its parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates, “Publisher”). In consideration of my participation in the Survey, I agree as follows:


1. Confidentiality: In connection with the Survey, I may see, hear, receive or otherwise learn information about the Publisher and its games that is not publicly known or generally available (“Confidential Information”). I will not use any Confidential Information (except as required  to participate in the Survey) and will not disclose any Confidential Information to any third party. I understand this means, for example, that I may not post, share or discuss Confidential Information in blogs, personal websites, social networking sites (such as Facebook), message boards, discussion forums, content sharing sites (such as YouTube), instant messaging, or email. I acknowledge and agree that all intellectual property rights relating to the Confidential Information are and shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Publisher. 


2. Feedback: During and/or in connection with the Survey, I may provide or volunteer suggestions, ideas or other information (“Feedback”). I acknowledge and agree that all such Feedback shall be “works made for hire” within the meaning of the United States Copyright Act and other applicable intellectual property laws, and that Publisher shall be the sole and exclusive owner of all Feedback; provided, however, that if any Feedback is deemed to not be “work made for hire” I hereby assign and transfer all rights I may have in the Feedback to Publisher and, in the event any jurisdiction does not recognize a contractual transfer of such rights, I hereby grant Publisher an irrevocable, unconditional, perpetual, exclusive, transferable, sublicensable worldwide license to, use and otherwise exploit such Feedback for any purpose; and (b) waive any so-called moral rights which I may have or acquire in the Feedback. Feedback shall be deemed Publisher’s Confidential Information.


3. I hereby grant the Publisher the right to use, edit, modify, distribute and exploit the Feedback for any purpose and in any manner. I acknowledge and agree that I have no right to inspect or approve any matter or material containing the Feedback.


4. Miscellaneous: I acknowledge and agree that: (a) in the event of any breach of any of my duties and obligations hereunder, the Publisher would be irreparably injured, monetary damages would not be an adequate remedy, and the Publisher shall be entitled to equitable relief in addition to any other remedies it may have; (b) this Agreement shall be irrevocable upon delivery and may not be modified; (c) this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of the Publisher’s successors and assigns; (d) nothing in this Agreement shall render me an employee, worker, agent or partner of Publisher and I understand and agree that I will not be eligible to receive any payment, remuneration or compensation from Publisher; (e) in the event that it is determined in any legal proceedings before a competent court or tribunal, that part of this Agreement is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, part shall be deemed to be severed from this Agreement and the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect; (f) this Agreement sets forth the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof; and (g) this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York and I submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located in the County of New York, New York in connection with any action hereunder and I hereby waive any objection to venue.


By selecting “I Agree” below, you signify that you have read, understand, and agree to the terms of this Agreement. You will not be able to participate unless you agree.

  *This question is required.
2. How old are you? *This question is required.