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National Trade Visit Spring 2024 Application

Wine Tasmania's National Wine Trade Visitation Program

Thank you for your interest in Wine Tasmania's National Wine Trade Visit. This event is to be held in Southern Tasmania over two days and nights beginning the evening of Sunday 17th November and concluding on the afternoon of 19th of November 2024.

Please submit your application by completing the following questionnaire. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the team at Wine Tasmania on or 03 6223 3770.

Applications close 5pm Friday 27th September 2024.

The 2024 National Wine Trade Visits are made possible with support from the Tasmanian Government.
Personal Information
This question requires a valid email address.
10. Have you visited Tasmania before? *This question is required.
About Your Business
12. Do you currently stock Tasmanian wines? *This question is required.
13. Are you interested in expanding your portfolio of Tasmanian wine? *This question is required.
Application Questions
Tasmanian Trivia Questions
18. Tasmania is the world's ___________ largest island. *This question is required.
19. Which fact is NOT true about Tasmania *This question is required.
20. The wine grown on this chilly little island represents ___% of Australia's grape harvest crush by volume and ___% of its value. *This question is required.
Almost there …
Fine Print

Return economy flights from your closest capital city, two nights' accommodation, transport, meals and activities outlined in the official itinerary.

Activities outside of the formal itinerary, transport aside from that provided by Wine Tasmania, hotel mini bar and additional accommodation. (Participants are welcome to extend their stay in Tassie at their own expense.)
21. I've read the fine print and agree that  – if selected – I am available to attend an *awesome* Tassie wine trip, arriving in Hobart on the afternoon of 17th November and departing on the evening of 19th November 2024. *This question is required.