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2024 Dance/USA Survey of the Dance Ecosystem

Dance/USA, the national service organization for dance, is interested in learning about the needs and challenges of individuals and organizations in the U.S. dance ecosystem beyond our member community.

This survey is intended for those living and/or working in the United States who participate in the dance ecosystem, and meet all of the following criteria:  

  • Have been active in the dance ecosystem for at least one year. 
  • Participate in the creation, presentation, production, administration, and/or documentation of dance performance activities in any capacity (if you think this is you, it probably is!) 
  • Have been paid for performance-related dance work (can be any percentage of your income), and/or have paid other artistic, administrative, technical and/or performance staff. 
  • Are not a member of Dance/USA

This survey should only take between 5-10 minutes, and you will be entered into a drawing to receive a $100 American Express gift card!

For any questions related to this survey, please reach out to

1. Are you completing this as part of a dance group / organization or as an individual (you can do both, but they need to be separate surveys!) *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
Please select from the following options *This question is required.
7. How would you characterize your primary role within the dance ecosystem? Check more than one if you feel that you hold more than one primary role.  *This question is required.
9. What styles/genres/forms of dance are you most closely associated with (this is free-text). You may list only one, or multiple (up to 3). If listing multiple, please use the first one as your MAIN genre. *This question is required.
10. Please review the list below, consider how important each of these are to the well-being of the dance ecosystem, and rank the priority of each. *This question is required.
Space Cell Low PriorityMedium PriorityHigh PriorityNo Opinion
Federal advocacy on behalf of creative workers active in the dance ecosystem
Career development/training
Dance research
Application of technology
Amplifying the national profile of dance
Increased financial support for dance in the U.S.
Convening the ecosystem: National Conferences
Convening the ecosystem: Regional Dialogues
Developing the next generation of leaders
Ensuring the legacy of dance artists and organizations through archiving and preservation
Medical and Health resources
Which of the following best describes your dance company/group? *This question is required.
What is your typical annual operating budget range (expenditures)?  *This question is required.
Please select the answer that most applies to your work *This question is required.
For your work in the dance industry in the last year, how were you compensated? *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
How much income do you typically earn annually from your dance-related work (this can be from a combination of work)?  *This question is required.