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Franklin County HMP Jurisdiction Hazard Ranking

Franklin County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2024

Hazard mitigation aims to reduce the negative impacts of natural or man-made disasters on our community. This is achieved by taking action before a disaster occurs to lessen its effects on people, property, and essential services. Mitigation efforts aim to make our community more resilient, potentially saving lives, reducing property damage, and minimizing disruption to daily life when hazards occur.  Benefits of hazard mitigation include:

  • Protects human life and prevents damage or loss of property.
  • Ensures continuity of government/business.
  • Promotes inter-agency coordination and response.
  • Increases public awareness and preparedness about hazards within the community.
  • Maintains eligibility for certain types of federal mitigation funding.  Plans must be updated and approved every five years.

There are two categories of mitigation actions: Structural and Non-Structural.

  • Structural mitigation focuses on engineered systems and improvements to protect the built environment. Some examples include dams and levees, elevating roads and buildings, installing culverts, retrofitting buildings for earthquake protection, and installing air filtration systems.
  • Non-structural mitigation involves developing public education and awareness programs, creating and adopting building codes, smart growth community planning, and protecting natural areas that create hazard buffers (such as wetlands, wildfire protection boundaries, et cetera).

Mitigation protects life and property and helps ensure continuity of operations, continued interagency coordination, increased public preparedness, and protects the local economy from failures due to business, housing, and utility disruptions. Ten years ago, the standard mitigation benefit was $1 in spending, which equaled $3 in savings in recovery costs.  With the increase in the number and severity of disasters, the benefit of hazard mitigation is $1 in spending equals $6 in savings in disaster recovery costs.  Some examples of hazard mitigation include:

  • Strengthening buildings to withstand earthquakes
  • Improving drainage systems to reduce flooding
  • Creating firebreaks to slow the spread of wildfires
  • Developing early warning systems for severe weather

Several federal and state grant programs help fund community mitigation efforts.  To be eligible for these mitigation grant funds, communities must prepare and maintain an approved hazard mitigation plan.  The hazard mitigation plan must be approved by the State and FEMA and be updated every five years.

By investing in hazard mitigation, we work to create a safer, more resilient community for all residents.

We have introduced hazard mitigation, and we need your help prioritizing our efforts. This survey is essential because it helps us compare risks from different hazards, guides the selection of mitigation actions, sets priorities for our community, and ensures we do not overlook less apparent risks.

Your local knowledge and perspective are crucial. Even if you're not an expert, your experiences and concerns provide valuable insights that will shape our mitigation plan.

By participating, you're helping to build a safer, more resilient Franklin County.

Thank you for your time and thoughtful input!

What is your connection to the County of Franklin? (Please select all that apply)

*This question is required.
2. If you live in the County, please indicate where. 
3. Do you identify as a member of any Marginalized or Historically Underserved Groups?

Marginalized or Historically Underserved Groups: Groups that have experienced systematic barriers, discrimination, or exclusion from full participation in social, economic, and civic opportunities due to factors such as race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, or immigration status. These groups have historically received inadequate resources, representation, or access to services and opportunities in society. *This question is required.
4. Do you self-identify as someone with Access and Functional Needs 

Access and Functional Needs (Individuals who may need additional assistance with maintaining independence, communication, transportation, supervision, or medical care, including people with disabilities, older adults, those with limited English proficiency, and people with medical conditions)

How would you prioritize the following potential hazards in our community? Please rank them from most concerning to least concerning, taking into account:

  1. Risk to human life and safety
  2. Potential damage to property
  3. Environmental impact
  4. Disruption to essential community services and operations

Your input will help us understand our community's perception of various risks and inform our emergency preparedness efforts. 

Note 1: A hazard is any source of potential danger, harm, or adverse effects on people, property, or the environment.

Note 2:  If you are completing this survey on a paper copy, Please rank the 14 hazards listed below. Use numbers 1 through 14, with 1 being the highest priority and 14 being the lowest priority. Each number should be used only once.

*This question is required. Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
6. From the list of hazards provided, which ONE concerns you the most? *This question is required.
7. Are there any hazards on the list that you feel are NOT a significant concern for our community? 

(Please select all that apply)

*This question is required.
8. What is your PRIMARY concern regarding your chosen hazard?  *This question is required.
9. For your chosen hazard, what do you think is the most likely outcome you would personally experience if an event were to occur? *This question is required.
11. Would you be interested in participating in future phases of our community's hazard mitigation planning process? *This question is required.

We appreciate your input on our hazard mitigation planning. Please provide your contact information if you'd like to stay informed or participate further. This is entirely optional.