Grain Craft Second Generation Seed Allowance - 2025
Please fill out the below information to join our Regenerative Agriculture program with a 2nd generation preferred variety seed.
As part of our on-going commitment to working with producers enrolled in the Regenerative Agriculture program, Grain Craft is offering a waiver for the program requirement that all enrolled acres be planted from certified seed. Due to environmental challenges associated with extreme drought, producers will be allowed to enroll Regen Ag acreage planted from 2nd generation seed, given details of the Plant Variety Protection (PVP) act are met.
Please complete the information on the next pages. Click "Next" or the arrow to continue.
2. Please sign that you agree to the Grain Craft Regenerative Ag Program Seed Allowance requirements.
I understand that the details outlined above are for the upcoming 2024-2025 crop years and may not apply in future crop years. I agree to meet existing requirements of the Regenerative Ag program, as well as all additional requirements as specified.
*This question is required.