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Planning Customer Experience Survey 2025

Darebin would love to hear feedback about your recent experience with our Statutory Planning Services via this 5-minute anonymous survey.

The answers in this survey are confidential and will be used by the Planning and Business Improvement teams solely for the purpose of improving our Planning services. Responses are anonymous, and your name will not be connected to information you provide.
For more information about Darebin's commitment towards privacy, please see Privacy Statement City of Darebin.

There is a privacy button which you will need to tick to continue the survey at the bottom of the page.

1. How did you find out about this survey?
2. When you most recently interacted with Council's Planning Department did you do that in relation to a:
3. What method did you use to first contact the planning department? *This question is required.
4. How did you use the website? *This question is required.
4. Please rate your experience with the Website *This question is required.
Space Cell Very DifficultDifficultNeutralEasyVery EasyN/A
Finding information on the Website
Understanding the information
Finding the form I needed to fill out
Finding the location to submit my application or query
Submitting my application using an online form
Readibility and display of information
4. Thinking about your experience as a customer, please rate your satisfaction with the following: *This question is required.
Space Cell Very dissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery satisfiedN/A
Phone wait line
Courteousness of staff
Competence of staff
Clarity of information provided to you
Quality of advice
Timeliness of responses to your questions
6. Council is keen to make the process for residents as easy as possible to engage with us when you have been made aware of a planning application impacting you. We would therefore like to understand how you experienced the process. Note this question does not relate to the outcome of the notice.

How satisfied were you with the process to respond to Council's notification about the application?
Space Cell Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery DissatisfiedN/A
The process to contact Council regarding the notification
The method to lodge my objection or support for the application
The process to inform me about the outcome of the application
Council's information about my rights as a person being notified of a new application
Customer service (choose N/A if no direct contact was made)
6. Were you satisfied with the final outcome? *This question is required.
6. Council is keen to make the process for residents as easy as possible to engage with us when you lodge a concern about the compliance of a property with relevant regulations and laws. We would therefore like to understand how you experienced the process. 

How satisfied were you with the process?  *This question is required.
Space Cell Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery DissatisfiedN/A
The method to lodge my concern about a property
The information provided to me to understand the investigation
Updates from Council on outcome about my concern
Customer service (choose N/A if no direct contact was made)
6. Are you a: *This question is required.
6. How regularly do you interact with Council's planning area?  *This question is required.