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FY25 GAP Technical Assistance Application


The GAP-TA application is considered an expression of interest that contains 10 to 20 questions on the following items and takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes to complete.

  • Type of Agency/Jurisdiction
  • Contact Info
  • The focus of the technical assistance request
  • The desired end output or outcomes (500 words)
  • Preliminary scope outline (1000 words)
  • Letter of support
  • A map or shapefile of the area where the proposed work will be performed
  • A map or a shapefile of the study area/corridor

An entity or jurisdiction can submit technical assistance requests for multiple GAP-TA Components using one application. For example, a county can apply for Component 1 and Component 4 in the same application.

The application must not be completed in one session as there is a “Save and Continue Later” option. You will need to enter an email address and receive a unique hyperlink to that email to use when you wish to return to the application. Once an application is submitted, an email with a PDF copy will be sent from to the email addresses listed as the primary and secondary contact.