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2024 Miami Artist Census



The Miami Artist Census is an artist-run research project that will identify and map the needs of Miami-based visual artists. This will help public and private funders know where and how to allocate funding for local artists, and will provide public officials with the data needed to support policies responding to artists' needs. It will also provide artists, art institutions, researchers, and the public with a clearer picture of what the 2024 Miami artist community looks like, for years to come.

This survey was originally developed by Los Angeles-based artists. To honor the work done by the L.A. Artist Census, and in the interest of future trans-regional comparison, we have kept most of the original language. However, the survey has been edited and adapted by members of Artists for Artists: Miami, to address the issues that are particular to artists in Miami-Dade County.

All data entered into the survey is anonymous! Because some questions ask for potentially sensitive information, we are using a survey platform with multiple data security certifications, features, and controls.

You can read our full Consent Statement & Privacy Policy here. For details re: data security, please see

This survey takes between 20-30 minutes to complete. All questions are required unless they are labeled "OPTIONAL."