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Regional Press Awards 2025 - Judge Nominations Survey!

Judges Terms & Conditions

Thank you for offering your time and expertise to judge the Regional Press Awards. Please complete the following details that will be used on the Awards website, in marketing materials, at the judging day and the ceremony itself should you be accepted.

If you have any questions please get in contact with

Privacy Notice

Haymarket Media Group, organisers of Regional Press Awards takes your privacy seriously. We'll use your personal information to facilitate your attendance at this event.

See our Full Privacy Notice for more information about how we use your information.

This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid number format.
10. Please could you select any categories that you would be happy to judge! (Please note is must be a minimum of 3 but you can select as many as you want). We ask this so we can try to assign you your most favourable categories, but cant promise you will be assigned any/all of these! *This question is required.
11. I am available to take part in the following relating to the event (please note, to be a judge it is mandatory to take part in the online and live judging process). *This question is required.
To ensure transparency in the judging process, we ask all our judges to adhere to the following:
  • To maintain confidentiality, we ask that no information about the entries, the shortlist and the potential winners is discussed outside of the judging process. To not share or circulate any judging material, some of which will be strictly confidential and commercially sensitive.
  • To not influence the discussions, scoring or results, either by voting outside of the judging guidelines or by voting prejudicially for, or against any entries. To actively engage in discussion without prejudice to ensure the results are balanced and worthy. 
  • To ensure all entries are considered equally, we ask you to agree to self-censorship. By this we mean that if you are linked to any of the submissions by association or as a direct competitor and feel the entrant would be compromised if you marked them or passed judgement on them, you agree to step down from the judging for this particular entry.
  • Any entries received from your organisation will be accepted however you will not be able to judge them or be involved in conversation about the judging of them. 
  • You consent to the possibility of being filmed and photographed for the purposes of the Awards at the judging day. Your comments may also be used at the Awards lunch or for other promotional use such as website, and will be given as feedback to entrants however you will remain anonymous. 
  • By taking part in the judging of the Regional Press Awards Judging, you agree to uphold integrity and reputation throughout the entire process and act as an ambassador for the brand. 
  • You agree to behave respectfully towards other members of the jury and the awards staff and not bring the awards or the organiser into disrepute.

I hereby agree that I will take part in the Regional Press Awards judging and agree to the points above. 

12. Please sign here to agree to the confidentiality agreement and that all the above details are correct
: *This question is required.
Signature of

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