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AEA Evaluation 2024 Student and Emerging Evaluator Travel Awards

The American Evaluation Association (AEA) is thrilled to provide travel grants for Evaluation 2024, open to full-time students enrolled at a college or university in the fall of 2024 and those who identify as an emerging evaluator (typically within the first five years of their career)!

AEA will provide up to six $1,000 competitively-awarded travel stipends to offset travel costs to attend Evaluation 2024 for those who must travel over 100 miles to attend the conference and a total of ten student conference waivers (five for local Portland students and five to non-locals). The deadline to apply is September 15, 2024 at midnight.

Please direct questions about the application process and the program to AEA staff via email at or via phone at 202-367-1166.