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2024 Hauraki Opportunity Survey


Tell us what matters most
Tukua tō reo kia rere

Hello and thank you for connecting with the Hauraki Opportunity and telling us what matters most.
  • The Hauraki Opportunity is on a mission to listen deeply to you, so that decision makers at all levels across Hauraki can make important decisions wisely based on what really matters to you and the lives of those you love and care for. Please share widely - success of this project depends on how many people tell us what matters most to them.
  • The survey will ask you about how you feel in general and things like your physical, mental, social and spiritual health.
  • It will take around 10-15 minutes to finish, and we would really appreciate your thoughts.

Ngā mihi ki a koutou kua hono mai ki tēnei kaupapa, ko Hauraki Opportunity. Nā koutou i tukuna mai i o koutou whakaarotau.
  • Ko te mahi o 'Hauraki Opportunity', he whakarongo pīkari atu, kia āhei ngā kaihautū o Hauraki te whakatīnana i ō koutou wawata, me ō koutou moemoea.
  • Ka pātaia e te uiuinga whānui, he aha o whakaaro e pā ana ki tō taha tīnana, hinengaro, whānau, wairua.
  • Ka 10-15 mīniti te roa o tēnei uiuinga whānui. He tino tāonga ō whakaaro.
  • Kei te āhua o te rahinga o ngā tangata ka kōrero mai, ka tutuki ai i tēnei kaupapa. Mena he pai tēnei kaupapa ki a koe, tēnā tukuna atu ki ō hoa, ō whānau, me ō whānau whānui e hiahia ana ki te kōrero mai.

Be one of the first 2,000 people to complete the survey and go into the draw to win one of 80 gift cards valued at $25 each – one in every 25 wins!

Your privacy
  • You will not be asked to provide your full name, number or any other contact information; all survey results remain private and no individual results will be shared.
  • You have the option to create a unique ID that you can easily recall and reuse in potential future surveys. If you create an ID, you will also be able to access, correct, or delete your data.
  • There are some questions where you have a chance to give feedback in your own words. If you answer these questions, they might be included in our report, but no one will know it's from you. Your personal information won't be shared with anyone else without your permission unless it's required by law.
  • The data will be used to support the wellbeing of the people of Hauraki. For example, health localities group Te Tara o Te Whai, lead partners of the Hauraki Opportunity, will use this data to support the continued roll-out of health initiatives in the region.
  • The Hauraki Opportunity Governance Group will make decisions about how and where the data is stored, who can access it, and under what conditions. The Hauraki Opportunity Governance Group is formed of local representatives, under principles of indigenous and Māori data sovereignty. This will meet or exceed Huber Social's Data Security Policy. A copy of the data will be retained in Huber Social's database and, if it benefits community, this data may be combined with other data, or shared securely. If you want more details about these processes, or the governance group, please contact
  • This study has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at Huber Social. They checked that it's appropriate and fair. The ethics reference number is: 8802716845
Thank you, we appreciate your time, input and honesty.
This survey was created by Huber Social, with review and input from Te Tara o Te Whai.

 Thank you also to our project partners, who were provided the opportunity to review the survey:
And thank you to our funders:

Do you agree to take part in this survey? *This question is required.Please read the following statements carefully and click 'Yes' if you agree and want to participate:
  • I have read or had someone read to me the information about this survey.
  • I understand what we will do in this survey and how long it will take. Any questions that I have had, have been answered so that I understand.
  • I am over 16 years old and I can agree to take part in this survey.
  • This survey is optional. I can stop anytime if I want. I understand that even if I stop, the data that I have already entered will be submitted.
  • The results of the survey might be shared with others, but they won't use my name or any personal details. My answers will stay private.
  • I consent for the Hauraki Opportunity Governance Group to make decisions about how and where my data is stored, who can access it, and under what conditions.
What if I have a complaint?
If you have any concerns or complaints regarding this project, survey or its questions, please contact or

Any issues you raise will be treated in confidence and investigated fully, and you will be informed of the outcome.

How to complete this survey
Please read each question/statement carefully.

If you do not wish to answer a question, or you don’t understand a question, you can skip it.

Please take breaks as needed but remember to keep the browser window open, otherwise, the survey will end.

You may stop the survey at any time. If you cannot complete this survey in a safe environment, please do not do it.