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Residency Standards Feedback - August/September 2024

NCOPE and the Profession Need Your Input

NCOPE is updating its residency standards to reflect current practices and ensure the development of essential entry-level competencies in orthotic and prosthetic care. The last major update was in 2012, with minor changes since. In 2023, a comprehensive revision began with input from residency directors, recent residents, educators, and external experts.

These updates support the ABC-NCOPE Joint Statement on transitioning the Clinical Patient Management (CPM) and Simulation exams to a combined format, reducing the number of exams for CPO certification, and mandating residency training in both orthotic and prosthetic practices for exam eligibility.

Stakeholder feedback is vital to the revision process of the NCOPE residency standards. It ensures the standards are comprehensive, relevant, and reflective of the diverse perspectives within the orthotic and prosthetic community. Thank you for your valuable contribution to this important initiative.

Please use this form to provide feedback on the draft of the residency standards. You can return to the survey multiple times using a link provided after submitting your name and email on the next page. 

The NCOPE Draft Residency Standards are 34 pages long, including four appendices outlining requirements and expectations. It will take at least 60 minutes to review the entire document.  
The window for public comment has closed, and results will be provided to the residency standards committee and NCOPE staff.  Thanks to the persons who took the time to complete the survey during the 30-day window it was open.
Are you willing to offer input to help shape the next version of the NCOPE Residency Standards?  *This question is required.