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2024 DZone Community Survey

Welcome to DZone's 2024 Community Survey! DZone is one of the world's leading communities of software developers of all experience levels and backgrounds. Developers come to to gain knowledge, discover industry trends, and connect with other developers, all to further their passions and careers.

Our survey will focus on three primary areas:
  • About you (and your stack!)
  • Your learning preferences
  • Overall DZone satisfaction
To better understand and serve our developer community, we need to know what's most important and relevant to you. Your feedback will also help us build a more valuable experience for readers and contributors alike. Thank you for your participation!

About You

1. How many years of experience do you have as a software development professional? *This question is required.
2. What is your current employment status? *This question is required.
In what geographic area is your company headquarters located? *This question is required.
What is the size of your company in terms of number of employees? *This question is required.
What is your role in influencing/determining technology purchases at your organization?
In what industry do/did you work?
3. What types of software are you currently developing? Select all that apply.
4. What best describes your primary role in your company and/or career? *This question is required.
5. What programming language ecosystem does your company use? Select all that apply.
6. Which of the following do you use in your work? Select all that apply.
What programming, scripting, and/or markup languages do you currently use in your work? Select all that apply.
What libraries and/or frameworks do you currently use in your work? Select all that apply.
What databases do you currently use in your work? Select all that apply.
What common software platforms and/or tools do you currently use in your work? Select all that apply.
What integrated development environments do you currently use in your work? Select all that apply.
7. Do you currently use AI in your development workflows?
What are the observed benefits of incorporating AI into your development workflows? Select all that apply.

Learning Preferences

8. What is your preferred method of professional development and/or continued learning? Select all that apply.
9. How do you typically research new technologies related to your work? Select all that apply.
10. How much time do you spend daily researching potential solutions and/or answers to questions?
11. What are you interested in learning more about? Select all that apply.

DZone Content and Community

13. How often do you typically visit
Why do you visit Select all that apply.
For how long have you been visiting
Do you have a DZone profile?
Have you published an article on
Are you interested in becoming a Contributor on
Please provide your contact information so that we can follow up with you about joining our Contributor program.
14. Which of the following would make you excited to be an active DZone member and/or Contributor? Select all that apply.
Are you interested in participating in DZone focus groups to discuss UI/UX, improvements to the community, and/or new content and community initiatives?
Please provide your contact information so that we can follow up with you about future focus groups.
15. Among our current content Zones, what subject areas are you most interested in? Select up to five.
What content types have you interacted with on Select all that apply.
What is your satisfaction level with the quality of DZone articles you've read?
What is your satisfaction level with the quality of DZone Refcards you've read?
What is your satisfaction level with the quality of DZone Trend Reports you've read?
What is your satisfaction level with the quality of DZone Events (Webinars, Virtual Roundtables, Fireside Chats) you've watched and/or attended?
Are you subscribed to receive DZone emails (e.g., Daily/Weekly Digests, Newsletters)?
What is your satisfaction level with DZone emails?
17. Do you wish to enter the survey raffle for a chance to win an exclusive DZone Swag Pack?
Note: You must be a DZone member to enter (join here).