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Fall 2024 CHoSEN Forum Registration Form

2024 Fall CHoSEN Forum Registration

The Colorado Hospital Substance Exposed Newborns (CHoSEN) Collaborative
will be hosting an In-Person Fall Forum on
October 24, 2024 from 9:00am - 4:00pm.

* Breakfast and check in will begin at 8:30am

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Physical Address: 1890 N Revere Ct, Aurora, CO 80045
Room Name/Location: Donald M. Elliman Conference Center

In-Person registration closes October 9th


This question requires a valid email address.
4. How will you be joining the Forum?  *This question is required.
5. Have you attended a CHoSEN Forum in the past? *This question is required.
6. Do you work in a healthcare (physical or behavioral) facility? *This question is required.
Is your healthcare facility currently implementing CHoSEN QIC interventions?  *This question is required.
What type of healthcare services does your facility provide? *This question is required.
In what type of healthcare setting(s) do you work?
*select all that apply *This question is required.
With which population(s) do you work?
*select all that apply *This question is required.
Which of the following best describes the type of position you hold? *This question is required.
From what primary perspective are you participating in this event? *This question is required.
8. In which county(ies) do you engage in work related to substance use and pregnancy/families? (*Select all that apply.) If your work is statewide, please select 'Statewide'. If you work outside of Colorado, please select 'Outside of Colorado' and specify your geographic location. If you are not employed in a capacity that is related to substance use and pregnancy/families, please select the county/area in which you live.
  *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
  • Intro to CHoSEN QIC: Who we are, what we do, and how you can join
    • In this introductory workshop, we will review the history of CHOSEN QIC, the scope of work, how we engage with other organizations, and how new participants can join the effort.
    • Susan Hwang, MD, MPH, PhD The Lula O. Lubchenco Chair in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Associate Professor of Pediatrics Director, Perinatal Health Services Research Section of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics University of Colorado School of Medicine
  • Navigating & Understanding The Child Welfare System
    • Navigating the child welfare system can be difficult at best. During this session we will walk through the complexity of reporting child abuse and neglect and what happens within the system after that report is made. This session will provide insight into the laws and regulations that govern Colorado's child welfare system, as well as inspire you to partner more effectively and holistically with child welfare professionals. We will also share insights from the model of public health nurses being embedded inside child welfare, that Arapahoe County uses.
    • Michelle Dossey, MSW Retired Child and Adult Protection Services Division Manager Arapahoe County Department of Human Servicesl Laurie Andrews, MSN, MA, PMHNP-BC Nurse Liaison to Arapahoe County DHS Permanency Section Arapahoe County Public Health Department; Amanda Bird Gilmartin, MD Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics Medical Director KICS Clinic Lauren A. Bruns, MD, FAAP Newborn Hospitalist | Pediatric Hospital Medicine Assistant Professor of Pediatrics University of Colorado School of Medicine | Children's Hospital Colorado
  • Navigating Substance Use and Breastfeeding: CHoSEN's New Guidelines
    • This workshop provides an overview of CHoSEN's new guidelines for substance use and breastfeeding. Participants will explore recommendations and practical strategies for supporting birthing persons, with an emphasis on actionable insights and effective care approaches. Engage in discussions to enhance your understanding and application of these important guidelines.
    • Maya Bunik, MD, MPH Professor of Pediatrics, CU School of Medicine Bonnie W. Camp Distinguished Professor in Pediatrics Children’s Hospital Colorado: Associate Chief Medical Officer, Ambulatory Clinical Faculty Child Health Clinic, Primary Care Breastfeeding Management Clinic; Erica M. Wymore, MD MPH Associate Professor, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine University of Colorado School of Medicine, Children's Hospital Colorado Lyle Wagner, CPNP-AC/PC, CLC Senior Instructor, Section of Pediatric Hospital Medicine University of Colorado School of Medicine
  • Using Plans of Safe Care to Improve Dyad Discharge and Drive Institutional Change
    • Join us for reflections and guidance pilots across three institutions. Begin to assess your organization's readiness for change, and collaborate with workshop participants and facilitators to explore your next step.
    • Ben Smith, MD Faculty Physician Fort Collins Family Medicine Residency
Workshop 1: Please Select the Workshop you plan to attend
Workshop 2: Please Select the Workshop you plan to attend
9. Would you like CMEs? 
This event will include breakfast and lunch. Please select if you would like breakfast, lunch or both. 
The event will include breakfast and lunch. Please let us know which (if any) dietary needs you have, and we will do our best to accommodate! 
Click on this link to register for CMEs!
  • Log in with your account or register as a guest. 
After completing the CME Registration please come back and hit submit! 

Thank you!