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Nothing About Us, Without Us - A Survey of Issues Concerning Arab Americans

لإجراء الاستطلاع باللغة العربية، إضغط على رمز الدائرة في الجانب الأيمن العلوي من الشاشة وحدد اللغة العربية

The Arab American voice in our nation is undoubtably emerging, and we are working to ensure that it is our voices that guide policymakers on how to improve the quality of life for our communities. The National Network for Arab American Communities (NNAAC), Center for Arab Narratives (CAN), American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), and Arab Americans for Progress (AAP) are collaborating to document and collect the diverse opinions of Arab American communities.

The data we collect will be used to influence policymakers at the federal, state, and local levels on issues that impact Arab Americans.  We are a nonpartisan organization and don't support or oppose candidates or political parties.  

Please note that your responses to this survey will be completely anonymous unless you explicitly decide to share your name and email with us. The survey results will be published in a report available on our websites. This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
1. With what political party do you most closely affiliate?
2. Did you vote in the most recent presidential primary election?
3. Did you vote "uncommitted" in the most recent presidential primary election?
3. How satisfied are you with what the government has done on the following issues?
Space Cell Very dissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissatisfiedSatisfiedVery satisfied
International Relations
Civil Rights
Employment and the Economy
Housing and Community Development
4. How important is addressing the following issues to you?
Space Cell Not important at allOf little importanceModerately importantVery importantAbsolutely essential
International Relations
Civil Rights
Employment and the Economy
Housing and Community Development