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August 2024 - Snapshot 6


National Snapshot of United States Museums

This is the sixth survey fielded by AAM to monitor the impacts of external factors on US museums. While this research originated from the COVID-19 pandemic, other external factors (such as economic concerns, climate change, cybersecurity threats, etc.) are also affecting museums. This survey will ask you to summarize your current staffing, finances, and other elements of your operations in order to gain a more complete picture of the current status of US museums.

This survey should be taken only by the CEO/Director of your museum. If you are not the CEO/Director of a museum, and you have not been personally asked to take the survey by your CEO/Director on their behalf, please do not take this survey.

The questionnaire should take no more than 15 minutes of your time. We recommend completing the questionnaire on a desktop computer or laptop (though it is optimized for phones and tablets). 

We are seeking one response per institution. Please do not share the link with your staff, unless you are arranging for one person to complete it on your behalf.

Thank you for helping us to compile this information. It is used to raise public awareness about museums, and will be used for advocacy, communications, and benchmarking.