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The Treasurer: Reader Survey 2024

The Treasurer magazine

This survey is designed to find out what you think about the magazine - in print, digital, and articles on the ACT website. We’re also keen to hear your ideas and thoughts on what topics you’d like us to cover in the future.

The deadline for responses is Friday 4 October. The survey will take around ten minutes to complete.

All data collected in this survey will be anonymised and aggregated results will be used to inform The Treasurer's publishing strategy. We may contact some respondents individually to request further information on their editorial suggestions.

Prize Draw
A £100 Amazon gift voucher will be awarded in a prize draw for all participating respondents submitting responses by midnight on 4 October.
1. Did you read The Treasurer magazine or articles from The Treasurer on the ACT website between January 2023 and September 2024?
Why do you not read The Treasurer?
How did you read The Treasurer? (Select all that apply)
How do you rate The Treasurer for the following:
Space Cell ExcellentGoodFairPoorVery poor
Relevance and usefulness of articles
Quality of content
Value to professional development
How much of The Treasurer do you usually read?
What is the main reason that you rarely read the magazine?
On average, how long do you spend reading The Treasurer?
Space Cell Less than 30 minutes30 minutes to just under one hourOne hour to just under 1.5 hours1.5 hours or more
Print magazine
PDF download
Digital magazine
Online articles
Have you ever used an article or a piece of information from The Treasurer to support you in your professional role?
Which of the following best reflects how The Treasurer helps you to undertake your role? (Select all that apply)
What do you do with your copy of The Treasurer once you have finished with it?
What do you value most about the digital magazine? (Select all that apply)
What type of device do you use to access the digital magazine or articles on the ACT website?
Which of the following actions, if any, have you taken as a result of seeing an advertisement or sponsored editorial content in The Treasurer in
the past year? Select all that apply.
How effective is The Treasurer in explaining how the ACT is shaping and supporting the profession?
3. How important is The Treasurer as an ACT member benefit to you?