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OSHA Heat Safety Proposed Standard Survey

OSHA's New Heat Safety Rule Survey
Help Shape OSHA’s Heat Safety Rule – Your Input Matters!

As a safety professional in Florida, your insights are vital to the work we do at the Florida Chamber Safety Council. With OSHA's newly published rule on heat safety, we now have an important opportunity to present a unified voice that reflects the needs and concerns of Florida’s employers.

By taking this brief survey, you’ll contribute to developing a well-informed response during the 120-day comment period. Your feedback will directly influence how we communicate with OSHA and help ensure the new rule is practical and effective for all employers in our state.

1. Does your company currently have a written heat illness prevention safety program for outdoor or indoor workers?
  *This question is required.
2. Does your company currently implement a site-specific written heat illness prevention safety program for outdoor or indoor workers? *This question is required.
2. After reviewing the published rule by OSHA, would you need to make major changes to your existing policies? *This question is required.
2. Please rank your level of concern around the following with the new proposed Heat Injury & Illness Prevention Standard: (1- very unconcerned, 2- unconcerned, 3- neutral, 4- concerned, 5- very concerned)
  *This question is required.
Very UnconcernedUnconcernedNeutralConcernedVery ConcernedDon't Know
A. Cost of compliance
B. Timeframe to be in compliance
C. Different temperature standards
D. Heat hazard identification and assessment (i.e. heat index or wet bulb temperatures)
E. Creating a written prevention plan (businesses w/ 10 or more employees)
3. Please rank your level of concern regarding how the following Heat Injury & Illness Prevention requirements may impact your current business operations: (1- very unconcerned, 2- unconcerned, 3- neutral, 4- concerned, 5- very concerned)
  *This question is required.
Very UnconcernedUnconcernedNeturalConcernedVery ConcernedDon't Know
A. Providing cool water (1 quart per employee per hour)
B. Shaded rest breaks for outdoor workers as needed (heat index over 80˚F)
C. Mandatory 15-minute, shaded breaks every 2 hours (heat index over 90˚F)
D. Acclimatization for new employees
E. Acclimatization for returning employees from vacation
F. One supervisor or heat safety coordinator per 20 employees
G. Creating a buddy system
H. Initial and annual training requirements
4. Will your business need assistance in the creation of a heat illness prevention safety program? *This question is required.
6. As the Florida Chamber Safety Council provides input to OSHA on their heat illness prevention rule, would you like to be kept informed of any updates? *This question is required.
7. Please provide your contact information: