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Security School Open House 2024

Security School Open House 2024

Thank you for your interest in the National Community Safety and Security School!

Drop in open houses will be held on the following: Wednesdays at 5-6pm EST: July 3, July 17, & July 31. Feel free to stop by with questions, stay for the whole time, arrive late, or leave early. 

National Community Safety and Security School Overview
In June 2020, Vision Change Win received over one hundred (100) urgent security and safety training requests from several national networks and foundations.  In order to fully support over one hundred (100) organizations in deepening safety and security VCW launched the National Community Safety and Security School in August 2020. Now in it’s fourth year, this collaborative learning program is built on the understanding that no one organization can navigate safety, security, and surveillance threats in isolation.  

The school is a ten (10) – month training program which meets on the first (1st) Tuesday and Thursday of each month from September 2024- June 2025. Trainings are each three hours long (3:30pm-6:30pm EST) and focus on giving participants an introduction to foundational community safety and security practices.


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