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Baxter's Dinner & Learn at CCCNC 2024

You are invited to a pre-conference educational dinner and learn at the
Canadian Critical Care Nursing Conference (CCCNC) 2024

"Pump Integration at the Bedside—
The Future of Simplifying Nursing Care and Optimizing Outcomes"

Key Learning Objectives:
  1. Journey from Electronic Medical Record (EMR) to Bi-Directional Pump Integration with Auto-Programming and Auto-Documentation. 
  2. Explore the impact of integration on daily clinical workload and continuous quality improvement.
  3. Share the lessons learned and how obstacles were overcome.
  4. Provide an update on where the program is at today.

Sunday, September 22nd
5:30PM - 8PM (local time)

Campania Room
Delta Regina
Regina, SK

1. Will you be joining our dinner & learn event during the CCCNC 2024 conference at the Delta Regina. *This question is required.
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