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State of Community Management 2024

Since 2009, the State of Community Management research has provided critical industry insights, for and by community leaders. Data collection will last for just over a month, so be sure to complete the survey soon (if you need pause and return to it later email us). 

Before you start...

The 2024 survey should take less than five minutes to complete - it is significantly shorter than previous years.  

Your response helps improve the performance and value of community investments throughout the industry. 

We appreciate your time!

The Community Roundtable Research Team

Reminder: We will never sell your contact info or other data. You can view our full privacy policy online.

PS - This survey is designed for online community practitioners to report on the online community management industry. Please don't complete this survey if you don't work with online communities, we're just going to delete it!
This question requires a valid email address.
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