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2024-25 Optional Quality Review Opportunity

To support school improvement, the New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) is offering schools citywide the option to participate in a QR focused on the Instructional Core. 

This optional one-day process includes a focus on the Instructional Core indicators (1.1 Curriculum, 1.2 Pedagogy, 2.2 Assessment), classroom visits and conversations with school leaders, teachers, and students all rooted in the 2024-2025 NYC School Quality Rubric. The one-day process culminates in a school leader conversation during which school leaders receive school specific feedback and ratings to inform their school improvement planning on the same day. Feedback and ratings are not published nor connected to the PPO process and/or MOLP evaluations, which assess principal practice. Schools that have made progress can opt to have their 24-25 ratings replace current Quality Review ratings and have their report published.

Additional information will be shared on the School Quality Evaluation and Professional Learning InfoHub page. 

Thank you, 
Office of School Quality
Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.