Thanks for your interest in acting as a pod catalyst. Please fill out the short form below to share your idea. You can learn more about the role of pod catalysts on this page
here and see examples of pod themes and topics. As a pod catalyst, we request that you have an active subscription for at least the duration of the 6 month experience (our sliding scale will launch by August). If you have any questions feel free to email us at and someone from our team will reach out with more info.
(Please use the one associated with your Coralus activation and/or the one we contact you with as a Coralus Venture) This question requires a valid email address.
(Tell the reader a little bit about the topic, why you're excited about it, what you're looking forward to about the group, how you've ended up learning or practicing in this space, etc.)
(We invite you to be as focused as you see fit and consider embracing 'generous exclusion'. As much as we want to create open invitations, sharing who this pod is for and also not for at this time creates a thoughtful container for those who would help most fulfill the pod's purpose at this time.)
To see some example statements click here and read more from Priya Parker's newsletter "Why the More is Not Always the Merrier"