Thanks for your interest in joining Nanit’s Beta Community!
Our Nanit beta testers have a unique opportunity to make an impact on Nanit and what we build in the future.
Being part of the Nanit beta community will give you the chance to:
- Be part of the Nanit Super Parents community forum.
- Get first access to new app releases and features.
- Have a direct line to Nanit to suggest ideas and make change happen.
- Other perks to be revealed at a later stage :)
As a member of the Nanit Super Parents community, we’ll ask that you:
- Join our exclusive Nanit Super Parents discussion board on
- Sign our Non-disclosure agreement
- Use our testing app version which might be less stable than the regular app from the app store, but usually, you wouldn’t find any difference.
- Download every new app update as soon as it is released.
- Send comments about new features and report bugs.
- Let us know your thoughts about new releases and any problems you’re having. We usually send out updates or new app versions about twice a month.
To see if you qualify to join the beta community, please take a moment to fill out this sign-up form!