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Registration for BECC 2024 Webinar Series

BECC 2024 Workshop Series: Leveraging Social Science for Clean Technology Adoption and Energy Efficiency

This year, the BECC (Behavior, Energy & Climate Change) conference will be working with the U.S. Department of Energy to explore the adoption of technologies and behaviors using social science. In a series comprising one in-person workshop and three webinars, leading experts will present cutting-edge research on key topics (residential and commercial buildings, EVs, low-income households, etc.) and help the department prioritize research and action in several areas.
Attendees will learn about the latest research and developments in a traditional BECC webinar with experienced speakers, then (optionally) break into small groups to discuss topics in greater depth and help set the department’s agenda for future social science work. You can learn or participate or both - it’s up to you! Register today and join us.

Register for the Full Webinar Series Below

Webinar 1
Driving Rapid Emissions Reductions in Commercial Buildings through Workforce Training and Policy
September 17, 2024, 2:00pm-3:30pm ET

Webinar 2
Deserts to Oases: Strategic Expansion of EV Charging Accessibility
October 15, 2024, 2:00pm-3:30pm ET

Webinar 3
Spark the Switch: Overcoming Barriers to Heat Pump Adoption
November 19, 2024, 2:00pm-3:30pm ET

*Note: This form allows registration for all three webinars. You will receive login information for each webinar by email, several days before the webinar begins from "ACEEE Zoom."
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