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Cyber Resilience Forum

About the Activity & the Call for Experts

Learn more about the activity here

The National Academies Cyber Resilience Forum is a standing body of experts engaged in conversations to surface and highlight issues critical to the security and resiliency of the US cyber ecosystem.  The Forum seeks recommendations of experts, especially those working at the intersection of technical and policy, to join its membership on a rolling basis.  

Forum Members are appointed to a 3-year term, renewable one time per mutual interest. 

The National Academies value a wide range of perspectives to strengthen the quality of our work. We carefully consider alternative viewpoints when formulating advice, convening experts with differing experience and perspectives, providing oversight, and conducting all other activities, and strive to foster an environment where all can participate fully. We welcome your suggestions for a broad range of experts to work with us.

We invite you to submit your suggestions by July 08, 2025 AT 11:59 PM.

Will you be submitting yourself for consideration to engage in this activity? *This question is required.
You will provide your information for consideration on the next page.
Will you be submitting suggestions for other experts for consideration to engage in this activity? *This question is required.
After providing your information on the next page, additional pages will be generated to collect information on your expert suggestions. Please select the number of additional experts you would like to suggest in the question below.

You have the option to suggest up to 5 additional experts in this submission, but there is no limit to the number of times you can respond to this call before the close date.
How many additional experts will you be suggesting with this submission? *This question is required.You can return to this page to change the value if necessary without losing any text or answers you have provided on the pages.